Monday, September 29, 2008

Good questions to ask...and another reason to not trust MSNBC (as if you needed one)

This from National Review...

Just some quick thoughts...

, shouldn't the MSM look closer at the conflicts of interest in their own newsrooms? I'm not talking liberal bias, but issues like David Gregory's marriage to a senior executive at Fannie and Andrea Mitchell's marriage to Alan Greenspan. I'm sure there are many other conflicts in D.C., from the lowest level in the newsroom on up. For example, did David Gregory ever ask about the financial health of Fannie Mae during all those White House press corps briefings he attended?

Two, I would love to see the internal billing records of the New York Times and find out how many reporter hours were spent in the last year trying to uncover John McCain's alleged relationship with a female lobbyist and compare that to the amount of reporter hours spent covering Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Three, before Congress adjourned for the summer, the biggest issue on the Dems' plate seemed to be the persecution of Karl Rove. How many hours did Dems spend privately debating how to subpoena Rove? How many did they spend talking about the financial markets?

Four: Anybody remember any of the Democratic candidates during the primary debates talking about how we needed to address problems at Fannie or Freddie? I don't.

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