Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Why isn't Team McCain coming out swinging over Freddie & Fannie ?

McCain needs to get on the offensive when it comes to Wall Street . Most of the Freddie and Fannie cronies where Dems and our friend Sen. Chris Dodd oversaw much of it in congress.

As someone suggested for new ad copy...

James A. Johnson - former Fannie Mae CEO and Obama Advisor
Just cost you billions in taxes
Franklin Raines – former Fannie Mae CEO and Obama Advisor
Just cost you billions in taxes
Barack Obama – If we can’t afford his advisors, how can we afford him?

1 comment:

Chelle said...

Love it! Why aren't McCain/Palin shouting this from the rooftops? They need to be. This whole market mess leads back to the sub-prime fiasco!